Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cadbury cream egg

Love these babies!! OK the hardest part is going to be giving up chocolate!! Not sure I will be going cold turkey with that one. Walking and biking will be easier then giving up chocolate.

OK I am new to blogging but not new to the computer so I should catch on quick. I am a Facebook addict (mostly because of Farmville) and I love to read. I have read a couple book recently that began as a blog so I thought, "hey what the heck I'll give it a shot!" My New Years resolution was to start journalling, well it did last a month, doesn't help when I cant find a pen half the time, so as long as I can find my keyboard I should be without excuse here!

Walked today for about 45 minutes, it is beautiful outside. Went to visit Natalie and Christine at the daycare, it was so nice to get out. Derek is having a nap right now but he said we would go for a bike ride when he gets up.

My third child, Mercedes, who is 12 is in St. George Ontario at Tim Horton's camp right now. She left on a plane (for the first time) on Sunday. I have never been on a plane and was more nervous for her than she was for herself. We pick her up at the airport on Saturday which is 3 days before her 12th birthday. It will be so exciting to see her baby brother George see her for the first time in a week. He absolutely loves his big sister (probably because she carries him around everywhere and loves him to pieces!).

Well will blog more tomorrow, maybe I'll read some other blogs to find out how and what you write about. Toodles